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资讯1 起飞哥 2024-09-15 10:56:00 6 0

1、只留一道伤痕 让爱有迹可循 When heavens divide 当天堂破碎 And for you,only you I would give anything;Heavens Divide 破碎的天堂 Petals of white 白色的花瓣 Cover fields flowing in grieving tears 覆盖了这个被悲伤眼泪淹没之地 And all the hearts once new,old and shattered now 所有曾经年轻的心 都苍老破碎 Love can kill,love will die 爱能致命 爱会逝去 Give me wings to fly 给我飞翔的;1stayTonya mitchell 这首歌我喜欢了十年,每次换歌都舍不得删掉 2It#39s not goodbye高二喜欢到现在,很舒服 3then silence震撼心灵畅想人生的Then Silence,细细品尝这首歌曲定会触及你的心灵是我听过的旋律最优美的歌曲了 4It#39s only the fairy tale宫村优子的,声音很空灵;只有我仍会冲破一切,与你相伴 When heavens divide 即使天堂已经破碎 When heavens divide 天堂破碎的时候 I will see the choices within my hands 我所选的路途都会变得明晰,How can we ever protect and fight with our tiny souls 而我们如何让渺小的灵魂之火照亮守护与战斗之路Let me shine。


2、Donna Burke HEAVENS DIVIDE 中文歌词 Petals of white 白色的花瓣 Cover fields flowing in grieving tears 覆盖了这个悲伤眼泪淹没之地 And all the hearts once new,old and shattered now 所有曾经年轻的心 都苍老破碎 Love can kill,love will die 爱能致命 爱会逝去 Give me wings to。

3、Zombie 绝对经典呐喊型,痛诉现代人行尸走肉般的生活When You#39re Gone艾薇儿的痛苦情歌,很呐喊,很悲惨~~November Rain枪花乐队的绝世经典,歌词以其深邃的思想性破格获得美国社科大奖Stop Crying Your Heart Out绝对深情的摇滚经典,是蝴蝶效应1的片尾曲,与电影相得益彰,催;kjv Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them bbe And the heaven and the earth and all things in them were complete 22 hgb 到第七日,神造物的工已经完毕,就在第七日歇了他一切的工,安息了 kjv And on the seventh day God ended his work;写作思路主要写出春节的来历和习俗正文The origin of the Spring Festival contains profound cultural connotation, which carries rich historical and cultural heritage in the process of inheritance and development During the Spring Festival, all kinds of celebrations are held all over the。

4、8heavens divide,游戏合金装备 和平行者英文主题曲,整首曲子非常大气,歌词凄美9,memories,哥特乐团Within Temptation打造的凄美悲惋歌曲,从曲风,歌唱到MV,都将悲伤的风格感染到淋漓尽致10what about now这首曲子不少人翻唱过,很出名也很动听~11Its only the fairy;When heavens divide天堂破碎的时候I will dive into the fire我哪怕纵身火海,Spilling the blood of my desire撒尽我每一滴包含对你思念的血The very last time也要在最后的最后,My name scorched into the sky在天空烙印下我的名字让你看到When heavens divide天堂破碎之时I will see the choices within。



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